Jack Quaid (Oppenheimer, The Boys) stars in this docuseries podcast, as one woman retraces her WWII veteran father's steps, after he was captured by the Japanese and kept in one of the most notorious POW camps, and had to find a way to survive.
Jack Quaid (Oppenheimer, The Boys) stars in this docuseries, as a woman retraces her veteran father's steps, after he was captured by the Japanese and kept in one of the most notorious POW camps of WWII, and had to find a way...
Susan Hearn recounts how her father (played by Jack Quaid) was reluctant to talk about his experiences in the military, and how her own health issues prompted her to retrace his steps, and discover how he was captured by the ...
Susan recounts (and Jack Quaid performs) how her father survived a nightmarish journey in a deadly ship to reach the POW camp. Japan expert Dr. Sam Coleman provides insight into the especially deadly low rates of survival of ...
The Japanese perform macabre, bizarre medical experiments on their American POWs, before everything changes for the prisoners. Letters From My Father is a production of Voyage Media. The series is produced by Nat Mundel, Robe...
Charles makes it home, but struggles to fit into normal society after his experiences as a POW. We reveal the truth about the letters from Susan's father. And Susan has an epiphany a lifetime in the making. Letters From My Fa...
Based on a true story. A group of soldiers in Vietnam decide they need to murder their rogue lieutenant, if they're going to make it home alive. TRAINING DAY meets PLATOON. A new audio drama series from Voyage Media, availabl...